For the supply of electricity on a temporary basis or in emergency situations.
These are mobile units where both the transformer and its auxiliary equipment are integrated on a rolling platform enabling a fast responding service in remote areas, with minimal installation requirements. The handling equipment may include breakers and/or load break switches, instrument transformers, and power cables with self-winding devices, among other elements. They can be made up of one or more rolling units.
Power: According to requirements
Voltage: Up to 145 kV
Manufacturing and testing standards: IEC 60076 / IEEE C57.12.00
Voltage regulation: On-load or off-circuit
Refrigeration: ONAN, ONAF, OFAF, ODAF, OFWF.
Cooling insulating fluid: Mineral oil, natural ester oil (biodegradable), synthetic ester oil (biodegradable).
These are mobile units where both the transformer and its auxiliary equipment are integrated on a rolling platform enabling a fast responding service in remote areas, with minimal installation requirements. The handling equipment may include breakers and/or load break switches, instrument transformers, and power cables with self-winding devices, among other elements. They can be made up of one or more rolling units.
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Nota: Puede enviar su consentimiento en cualquier momento en el futuro a