NEWS. Sale of TTE's proprietary vegetable oil-filled transformers - 01/15/2010
EDENOR (Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora Norte Sociedad Anónima), Argentina's largest electricity distribution company, acquired a 250 kVA - 13.2 kV transformer filled with 280 liters of TTE's proprietary Vegetable Oil-based Dielectric Coolant (FDRBio®). Once electrical testing was completed, the oil's physical and chemical parameters were measured, with excellent results. The transformer was installed at EDENOR's transformer station No. 8866 located in Haedo, District of Moron, in the Greater Buenos Aires area.

EDENOR became part of the portfolio of customers that chooses to use TTE's proprietary vegetable oil-filled transformers, which already lists EPEC (Empresa Provincial de Energía de Córdoba) and EDESAL (Empresa Distribuidora de San Luis S.A.), among others.

These operations prove the success of the innovation and development project to produce atoxic and biodegradable dielectric coolants based on natural oils, undertaken by the Company together with the technological research center CEPROCOR which currently runs a trial plant to manufacture these type of oils.

TUBOS TRANS ELECTRIC // Av. Sucre 2425, 2nd Floor 12, Edificio Avellanas - BĂ©ccar, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Phone: +54.11.4723.3362 // Dr. Eliseo Cantón 2342 - Córdoba - Argentina Phone: +54.351.489.4545
Last Update: 04/07/2010 14:15hs        Copyright 2009-2010. Tubos Trans Electric SA