The conference was organized by the commercial management and included the dissertation by specialists from MR do Brasil.

(Buenos Aires, June 23rd, 2015) .- At CADIEEL facilities several customers and company staff members participated in a training course on new technologies for tap changers conducted by specialists Adriano Briotto and Renato Tanasovici; respectively responsible for the Technical and Commercial Management of the South American and Central markets in MR do Brasil.

Some of the topics discussed were:
  • Relevant information on existing on load tap changers
  • Relevant data on the tank design and tap changer location
  • Motor Drive Unit
  • Replacement of the diverter switch
  • Oil filter unit
  • Name plate for the Motor Drive Unit and On load tap changers
  • TapMotion TD
  • Replacement of the oiltap M by the Vacutap VM® diverter switch
Among the participants from client's associates we can mention the presence (in alphabetical order): APE La Pampa, EDELAP EDEMSA, EDENOR, EDESAL, EDESUR, EPEC, EPE Santa Fe, Tranelsa and Transba.

The clarity and knowledge that the speakers proved generated great interest and interaction from the public.

Tubos Trans Electric wants to thank Mr. Briotto and Mr. Tanasovici and everyone who attended the conference for joining us in the pursuit of continuous improvement in transformer's manufacturing and power distribution.

TUBOS TRANS ELECTRIC // Av. Sucre 2425, 2nd Floor 12, Edificio Avellanas - BĂ©ccar, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Phone: +54.11.4723.3362 // Dr. Eliseo Cantón 2342 - Córdoba - Argentina Phone: +54.351.489.4545
Last Update: 04/07/2010 14:15hs        Copyright 2009-2010. Tubos Trans Electric SA