TUBOS TRANS ELECTRIC Villa Hayes, Paraguay.

Last August the 28th, we supervised the assembly and electrical and site acceptance tests (SAT) of a 20/20 / 6.6 MVA power transformer for our client, Iguazú Cementos, from Villa Hayes, Paraguay. The transformer successfully started working on August 29.
We continue to export Argentine technology and industry to countries in the region.

TUBOS TRANS ELECTRIC // Av. Sucre 2425, 2nd Floor 12, Edificio Avellanas - Béccar, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Phone: +54.11.4723.3362 // Dr. Eliseo Cantón 2342 - Córdoba - Argentina Phone: +54.351.489.4545
Last Update: 04/07/2010 14:15hs        Copyright 2009-2010. Tubos Trans Electric SA